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You may use this information to configure your computer:

How to allow O2C or any program to run at startup:

1. Copy the Order2C program from where you installed it.

2. For XP create a shortcut in this folder. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

3. For Vista click start menu, click All Programs, click Startup, right click on Startup folder and select open. Create a shortcut of Order2C in this folder.

4. Restart your computer.

(For advanced users)
How to disable Autorun on Windows when you put in a CD:

1. Go to the Start Menu button on the lower left and select the run option.


2. Type the word "regedit" Now push Ok.


3. Go to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Then go to the SYSTEM folder. Then go to the CurrentControlSet folder.


4. Now go to the System folder. Then go to the Cdrom folder. Now click on the file named AutoRun. An Edit DWORD Value box will open.


5. Change the value to 0 in the Value data textbox. Push the Ok button and you are done.

www.order2c.com :: Produco N Company
Update 2015